Sleep Clinic Referrals
Need To Refer A Patient To The Better Sleep Clinic?
The Better Sleep Clinic accepts referrals using MedTech, our referral form below, or call our GP direct line below.
We are keen to work with you to provide the best possible care for your patients.
We only use evidence-based treatments when treating sleep disorders and/or co-morbid mental health disorders. We are proficient at providing feedback to referrers, including relevant tracking measures, and are keen to collaborate wherever needed.
We currently receive referrals from all the main private sleep clinics and sleep practitioners for insomnia clients because we are one of the few full service providers of Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Insomnia, CBTi, in New Zealand.
We welcome GP referrals, referrals from EAP providers, private, & corporate clients and/or other health professionals.
We regularly receive referrals from:
- Other Major Sleep Clinics;
- GPs;
- Psychiatrists;
- Allied Healthcare Providers;
- ACC (we are not registered with ACC but do get referrals as a non-registered provider);
- Instep EAP;
- Clearhead EAP;
- Unimed;
- High Performance Sport NZ;
- NZ Army; Royal NZ Navy; Royal NZ Airforce;
Patient Referral Form
Other Ways To Refer
Fax Number: 09 8883 291
Click The Button Below To Email Us Direct If You Need To Send Attachments